Every musician has the innate desire to become famous for the music he composes – and this desire flares up even more, when a musician is on SoundCloud, as earning fame on this platform helps artists enter the mainstream. So, today, we’ll observe how to get famous on SoundCloud.
First of all, you need to have an idea of this platform’s magnitude if you wish to conquer it and become famous. According to recent reports, SoundCloud has more than 76 million regular users and has over 30 million artists that upload their content on the platform.
The good news is that with 76 million listeners, you have some breathing room and a chance to draw the audience towards your music to become famous. However, the not-so-good news is that you’re entering a battle royal with 30 million competitors.
So, obviously, things won’t go as you expected with this much competition in line. But don’t you worry, because, in today’s article, we have compiled the best tactics for boosting a SoundCloud account that will help you build your reputation on the platform and become renowned.
How to Become Famous on SoundCloud?
Art never sleeps – which means that as you’re reading this line, more and more content is being uploaded on SoundCloud, narrowing down your window of getting famous. So, you need to take action right away and start applying these tips to your account to achieve your goal.
1. Make Great Music
You might find it a pretty trivial tactic, but if your goal is to become famous as a musician, you need to make excellent music. No matter what your genre is, whether it’s indie or hard rock metal, house mix, or mashup, you need to create the best tracks in your respective genre.
By focusing your creative efforts on producing good music, you will be able to hone your skills as an expert musician, and it will help you become a better artist. Also, remember that SoundCloud listeners are one of the pickiest music audiences you’ll ever encounter.
Over the years, they have set such high standards of music on the platform that any person with average music fails to survive. Therefore, if you want to meet the audience’s standards and win their hearts, you got to consistently evolve as an artist and make excellent music.
Whenever you upload a track, listen to it twice to judge if it’s worthy of being presented to the mighty audience of SoundCloud or not. If the answer is yes, feel free to upload, but if it’s not, you better work harder on your craft.
2. Catch the Trend
There was a time when music was just supposed to breathe lives into souls with melody, but over the years, its definition has been modified. Now, music is also used for social commentary and to address world trends in a melodious way.
For example, there are many artists that upload tracks to condemn the act of terrorism going around the world or support a noble cause by making a song about it. Similarly, when a new music trend comes into the market, artists try to include it in their songs to benefit from it. That’s precisely what you need to do as well.
Whenever a world event happens, or some new trend enters the market, make sure to get a jump on it and somehow include it in your track, so you can introduce your audience to the trends. By catching the trends, you show your audience how woke you are, and this establishes your reputation as a trendy artist, making you famous on the platform.
3. Engage with the Audience
Your audience is the primary stakeholder in your quest to become famous. Sounds a bit weird, right? But it’s the truth. See, it’s the audience that listens to your tracks, engages with them, and thanks to their interactions, an artist becomes famous on SoundCloud.
So, if you want to win the audience’s favor and get them to engage with your tracks more, the best tactic is to start communicating with them. You can reply to their comments, thank them for their support, or make a couple of tracks according to their suggestions.
Through these small acts, your audience will know that you care for them, and they will not only stick to your account but also ask their friends to check out your music. Also, try to build some reputation in the SoundCloud community by joining social media groups and pages, so you can get validation from your peers as well.
4. Promoting Your Music
What is the definition of fame exactly? It’s when more people start recognizing you for your craft – which means that if you want to become famous as a musician, you need to focus on promoting your music, so your tracks can reach more people. Currently, there are lots of marketing tactics that you can use to promote your music.
You can use email marketing, word-of-mouth marketing, platform-specific marketing, etc. But the most effective strategy for sharing your music with the world is social media marketing. Surprisingly, it doesn’t even take much time to get on with this tactic.
You just need to take out your mobile phone and start positing your tracks on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, WhatsApp, and all other possible social media channels that you can think of.
Doing so will give you a lot of exposure, and as your music reaches more people, it will automatically get more engagement, thus making you famous for your extraordinary tracks.
5. Build Your Audience
Having a robust and dedicated audience is one of the primary goals you must achieve if you wish to become famous on SoundCloud – and the reason for it is pretty straightforward. See, when you have a dedicated fan base, it will increase your plays on tracks, the engagement rate of your account, and your social presence on the platform.
In short, you will be able to hit all the vital points necessary for becoming a famous artist on a music platform. Therefore, focus on building your very own dedicated audience, so you can get enough plays, engagement, interactions, and followers to become successful on SoundCloud and finally jump into the mainstream music industry.
6. Use Insights to Post on Best Time
Surprisingly, most artists on SoundCloud have no idea about the insights feature and how useful it can be for them. Basically, the insights feature gives you all the vital stats of your account and allows you to keep an eye on every little thing.
For example, you can observe your account’s engagement rate, daily visitors, the average time a listener spends on a track, etc. You can get all these little details thanks to the SoundCloud insights feature. Now, even if you don’t want to get into all the technicalities, there’s one thing that you must do for the sake of becoming famous on SoundCloud.
You need to use the insights to find the best time for uploading a track. To identify the best time, observe the stats of your previous tracks and narrow down the ones that got excellent engagement. Now, if you observe those tracks, you’ll see that some of them will have almost the exact uploading times.
Note down the hours in which those tracks were uploaded and make sure to upload all your next tracks on those hours, so they can reach more of your audience and get maximum engagement, plays, and interactions on your track.
7. Make Your Music Discoverable
To increase your music’s reach and ensure that people can find it quickly, getting noticed is key. How to do that? The first thing you need to do is add the right category against your track while uploading it on SoundCloud.
If your music is hard rock metal, select the rock category from the list, so the audience can find it under the rock category while searching. Also, add the right hashtags in your track that are relevant to the genre of your music. For example, you can add all the tags relevant to rock metal if your track belongs to that genre.
Ensuring these two tactics will, the SoundCloud algorithm identifies the nature of these tracks and returns them in search results, which makes it easier for people to discover them.
In the end, we hope that you liked this post and found all the tips helpful. Don’t forget that these tips only work if you apply them consistently, so make sure to upload awesome music and consistently apply these tactics for the best results.
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