Telegram is a robust instant messenger app that’s been on the rise since its launch. Its enhanced privacy and encryption features attracted people and helped it secure over 500 million users. Perhaps that’s why people are so into learning how to grow your Telegram channel.
Actually, growing your telegram channel can be beneficial for you at many levels. Whether you’re a marketer or a netizen seeking glory, a strong presence on Telegram can help you achieve your goals. For example, you can use a well-articulated Telegram channel to promote your services or product.
Or use it as a medium to enhance your reach and rise as an influencer in your online community. And these are just examples! You can do much more with an established Telegram channel. But what’s the recipe for making a reputable and valuable channel on Telegram? Well, that’s what we’re here for today.
We’ll share 11 proven tactics with you that are well-renowned for boosting Telegram channel growth. Use them effectively, and they’ll soon lead you to a robust, ready-to-function channel.
11 Tips to Grow Your Telegram Channel
Telegram is a continuously growing platform where you can find people worth adding to your community. More than 55.2 million people visit this platform daily, giving you a chance to poach them.
The following tips will help you improve your Telegram channel so it looks more appealing and legit. Apply them consistently over time to increase the growth of your channel or group on Telegram.
1. Create a Perfect Telegram Channel
The growth of a Telegram channel highly depends on its look and feel. You can say goodbye to potential members if your channel isn’t appealing and gives off a sloppy vibe.
That’s why you need to focus on creating a perfect Telegram channel that can make people want to join. Now, there’s a lot that one can do to make their channel look good. But first, you need to fix these essential aspects right away.
Channel Name: Your channel’s name tells people what it’s about and what kind of community they are about to join. Give your channel a slick and unique name that matches the purpose of your community.
Also, it would be best if your channel’s name contained a keyword. Your channel will be easily searchable on Google if you add a keyword. That same keyword will also appear in your channel’s link and increase its worth on search engines.
Channel Logo: A logo is the visual identity of your channel. It should match the purpose and ideology of your community. Give your channel an eye-catching logo that is attractive and relevant at the same time.
Channel Description: Write a simple description for your channel to tell visitors about its purpose. Make sure to add a couple of keywords to improve your channel’s searchability.
Channel Niche: Make sure you set a particular niche of your channel before adding members. Doing so is vital for attracting a specific target audience and building a community.
Covering these bases will improve your profile and channel’s look, directly influencing their growth over time.
2. Share Everywhere
Start promoting your Telegram channel soon after its creation to get a much-needed initial push. Experts say that the first couple of real visitors you get help boost your channel’s presence on the platform. So, as soon as you finish creating your channel, your next step should be to share it everywhere.
Now, the best method of promotion is to use social media platforms to reach your target audience. Start with platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., and post your channel’s link there. Make sure to tag your friends, family, and colleagues so that they can check out your community.
After that, you can move on to more niche-specific platforms like LinkedIn, Reddit, Pinterest, etc. You can also go retro and promote your channel via email marketing or using the word-of-mouth tactic. The point is that the initial mass you gather on your Telegram channel can make all the difference. Thus, promote your channel diligently to boost its growth.
3. Post Engaging Content
Content can make all the difference when deciding on a Telegram channel’s growth. People join channels to stay updated about their niche and watch high-quality content for amusement. You need to fulfill these parameters as an admin to enhance your channel.
Focus on posting engaging content that the users find interesting and relevant to their niche. If your channel is about health, upload 2-3 posts every day containing fitness tips. This will keep your audience engaged, and even consider inviting other people to your channel.
Keep in mind that text posts do not work on Telegram anymore. You must upload more visual content like photos and videos to attract users’ attention. Doing so will improve the engagement rate of your channel and directly affect its growth.
Also, avoid copyrighted content at all costs and never upload a post that doesn’t belong to you. Copyright infringement can cause problems for your channel later, so always post original content in your community.
4. Add Channel Link to All Your Social Media Profiles
You can use your social media profiles to direct traffic on your Telegram channel. All you need to do is place the link of your channel in your profile’s bio, and that’s it. Now, the next time anyone who will check out your Facebook bio will see the link there.
Most people will click that link to check out which circles you hang around. So, copy your channel’s link and paste it on your social profiles as soon as possible.
5. Ask Your Telegram Followers to Join Your Channel
You’re in luck if you already have some upstanding in Telegram communities and enough followers on your profile. Why? Because you can use your good name to convert your dedicated audience to channel members. Since your followers already share a kind of comradeship with you, they will listen to your appeal.
You need to ask them to join your channel and convince them they will have a fantastic time there. Once they heed your call and join the channel, you need to keep them engaged, and that’s it. Using your current reputation to attract members is an excellent strategy, so don’t hesitate to apply it.
6. Offer Exclusive Content
The best tactic for pulling in the target audience and boosting a channel is to offer exclusive content. If you’re good at research and always manage to find exclusive scoops, this strategy is for you. Start sharing exclusive content with members and let them know they are the first to learn that news.
This will give members a sense of superiority, and they will surely brag about it in front of friends. Now, their bragging will serve as word-of-mouth marketing, resulting in more members for your channel. It will also help build your channel’s reputation and make it famous for sharing exclusive content.
Remember that content you share should be high-quality and verified. Fake news can disappoint users and make them want to leave your channel. Therefore, keep your exclusive content relevant and consistent to hold and attract members.
7. Submit on Online Telegram Directories
To make your channel legit and easily searchable, you must submit it on Telegram’s official directory. Telegram directory is a website where channels, groups, and bots are listed so people can easily find them. Once you create your perfect Telegram channel, visit the Telegram directory and list your track there.
Here’s how you can do it:
Step 1: Open your preferred browser and visit the Telegram directory’s official website.
Step 2: Navigate to the end of the top navigation bar and click on the “Question Mark” icon.
Step 3: Click on the “Submit” button from the options.
Step 4: A pop-up will appear on the screen. Add your name, email address, and channel link to the form. You can also add some short descriptions to give an overview of the channel.
Step 5: After that, click the “Submit” button to finish the listing.
You will soon receive an email informing you that your channel has been listed successfully. Once a channel gets listed, its chances of getting discovered flare up, and so does its engagement rate.
8. Give Answers to Queries on Public Forums
Answering questions on public forums is a great way to get on the target audience’s radar. You need to go through platforms like Quora, Tumblr, Reddit, etc., to find questions relevant to your channel. Once you find such questions, answer them professionally and paste your channel’s link in the end.
Let’s say your channel topic is fitness, and you find relevant queries on a social platform. Now, you need to share your expert opinion and give an appropriate answer to those queries. After completing the answer, add your channel’s link and use a catchphrase like “Join this Channel for More Tips.”
If the people find your answer satisfying, the chances are that they will join your channel for more. So, dedicate some of your time to answering queries to help people and attract new members.
9. Stay Active on Your Channel
Stay active on your channel for most of the day to let the members know you’re there. As a channel admin, you are responsible for monitoring your community and ensuring that your audience is engaged. When you stay active on the channel, the Telegram algorithm takes it as a sign of your diligence.
As a result, the algorithm boosts your channel in the ranks so more people can join it. Staying active also helps you stay in touch with the audience, which keeps them engaged. It also allows you to get some inside dirt and figure out the hot topics in the community.
You can upload content about those topics, later on to get maximum engagement from the audience. Staying active on Telegram can be beneficial for you in a lot of good ways. So, spend as much time as possible on your channel to reap the benefits.
10. Run Giveaways
Giveaways are a terrific way of drawing the audience’s attention, and you can use them to grow your channel. For example, you can start rewarding the most upstanding members of your community. Send them gifts relevant to your niche. If your channel is about health, send them protein bars or something like that.
By running a giveaway, you show the members that you care about them. When other members see that people receive gifts for their dedication, they try to achieve that level too. Also, people from different communities will start joining your channel to win prizes. Try to run giveaways every once in a while to boost your channel’s growth.
11. Collaborate with Other Telegram Channels
You can reach out to other Telegram channel admins and collaborate with them to gain exposure. For instance, you can start a joint event to engage the audience and enhance the channels’ presence. Collaborations give you a chance to poach the members of other channels and get them to join your community.
They are also a great way to see what methods other admins are using to engage their audience. When your channel’s engagement graph goes down, start a collaborative project to stabilize it. Remember to only collaborate with channels with a common niche, or you won’t get desired results.
Benefits of Growing Telegram Channel
As we mentioned, there’s a lot that you can achieve with a well-established Telegram channel in your arsenal. Following are some of the most salient examples of the benefits you can reap:
- Use your channel to promote your products or services.
- Rise in the community as an influencer by sharing your expert views on a specific topic.
- Monetize your Telegram channel and make money by uploading sponsored content. Or you can promote other brands and charge them for presenting their content in front of your audience.
- Direct your Telegram audience to your other social media profiles and boost them.
- Take suggestions from channel members and sell them to brands so they can improve their products and services.
Growing your Telegram channel and getting more members can sure be tricky. However, if you apply the above tips diligently, your channel will succeed eventually. Don’t get disappointed if you don’t see rapid growth right away.
Keep sharing helpful and exclusive content with your members consistently, and you’ll surely achieve your goal. We hope you like this post and get the answer to how to grow the Telegram channel. Share your queries and views about this post in the comment sections. Also, please subscribe to our newsletter for the latest posts and updates.