YouTube is one of the most popular online destinations for people to consume video content. That’s why content creators have flocked to it to try and get their career started – the thing is, any successful creator needs to know how to grow their YouTube channel to succeed.
YouTube channel growth is essential because it helps you increase your brand awareness and content visibility to get more audience engagement over time. It leads to increased ad revenues, massive popularity, and the ability to elevate your brand to new heights.
If you want to grow your YouTube channel to a considerable level, follow our guidelines below, the best methods for growing your channel.
12 Proven Tips to Grow Your YouTube Channel
Anyone can grow their YouTube channel quickly if they know what they’re doing. By following these tips, you’ll get famous in no time:
1. Optimize Your YouTube Videos
Posting videos regularly is a good start, but it won’t do you any good unless you optimize them for search engines and the YouTube algorithm. Most creators don’t know anything about YouTube video optimization and keep uploading their content blindly, which unfortunately goes unnoticed due to a lack of SEO elements.
To ensure your videos stand out, grasp the essentials of YouTube SEO and video ranking. Here are key steps and elements to enhance the optimization of your existing and upcoming videos:
Choose Your Niche Wisely
You must choose your YouTube channel’s niche according to your interests. What your niche is will decide who your target audience is, but there’s more to just your target audience when it comes to picking your niche. You’re investing much time and effort in growing your YouTube channel, so you must have a niche that aligns with your passions.
You don’t want to get burnt out from all the work and realize you don’t want to make that content anymore. Take a good look at the hobbies you enjoy and carefully decide whether or not one of them would be a sustainable idea for your YouTube niche. Once you’ve chosen one, you can start building out your audience.
Use Keywords in Video Title
Video titles is the primary way to communicate your video’s topic, and adding a keyword to them increases the searchability of your content. For example, if your video is about dieting and you add the highly searched keyword best dieting methods in the title, it becomes easy to find.
When someone searches for the term best dieting methods, the YouTube algorithm will pick up your video as it contains the exact keyword and presents it in the search results. In simple terms, adding a keyword in the title increases the odds of people watching your video.
Choose Title to Maximize CTR
CTR or click-through rate is the stat that describes how many people click on your video intending to watch it. Now, most people decide to watch a video after reading its title, so make sure that it’s attractive and exotic enough to make someone watch your content.
SEO Friendly Descriptions
Video descriptions are there to explain the content in detail, but they are also a perfect place to embed keywords and hashtags. Make sure to embed keywords and hashtags that fit the video and embed them in the right places while writing the description.
If your video is about dieting, throw in a couple of highly searched keywords in the description. Also, add a couple of hashtags like #fitness goals or #weight loss, etc., at the start or end of the description for good measure.
Use Tags on Videos
Video tags are one of the most crucial SEO elements on YouTube. If you embed the right tags in your video, it gets discovered by the algorithm, and it recommends your content to the appropriate audience, increasing its likes, shares, comments, engagement rate, etc.
Putting in the right tags also increases the searchability of a video, so do your research and always embed tags that fit the nature of your content.
Now, supercharge your tagging strategy effortlessly with our new YouTube Tag generator tool. With just a single click, you can access the perfect tags tailored for your content, optimizing your videos for maximum visibility. Elevate your YouTube presence and watch your content resonate with the audience it deserves.
Categorize Playlists
Dividing content into categories is essential for facilitating easy navigation for your audience, and playlists are the best way to accomplish this. Create your own playlists that categorize content based on genre, topic, or nature, enabling your viewers to quickly access the specific content they desire.
2. Master Your Posting Schedule
Consistent posting is key to gaining more likes, shares, and subscribers on YouTube. Rather than posting new videos continuously, look at your analytics to identify the most popular times to post videos your audience will most likely watch.
Use this information to produce videos carefully designed to go out on a consistent schedule at peak watch times. You’ll maximize your audience engagement and channel growth because it ensures more people watch your content.
3. Optimize Your Videos for “Watch Time”
When you talk about growth on YouTube, the common goal that most creators share is gaining subscribers and watch time hours to be eligible for the YouTube partner program. Now, getting followers is something that sounds doable, but gathering that many watch hours seems impossible.
That’s why experts recommend creating content while keeping your watch time in mind, which means that you need to create longer and more engaging videos that can increase your overall watch hours.
Didn’t get it? Basically, when you create longer videos, people spend more time watching them, thus increasing your watch time and, eventually, the watch hours. So, come up with more engaging and detailed ideas for your content to make videos that boost your watch time.
4. Make Great Thumbnails and End Screens
Most of you reading this article must know that we often decide whether to watch a video or not after watching its thumbnail. Why is it? Because thumbnails are the face of a video and give us an idea of what kind of content we can expect if we click on the video.
Therefore, if you want more eyes on your content, it’s best to attractive thumbnails that make a viewer stop scrolling and check out your video. Once a viewer has clicked on your video and enjoyed your content, it’s time to cross-sell and present them your next video by using end screens.
As soon as your video ends, add an end screen that suggests the viewer check out the rest of our videos. In most cases, this cross-selling works, and viewers end up clicking on the suggested videos, so it’s a strategy that you can use to secure a lot of engagement on your videos.
5. Engage With Your Audience
Community building is an essential part of helping boost your number of fans. To get noticed by many people, you need to make an effort to actively engage with your audience and make it clear that you care about them.
By continuing to have close, personal interactions with your audience and building those connections, you’ll impress them and make them want to watch more of your content and get valuable feedback that you can use to improve your channel further and grow on youTube.
6. Go Live and Try YouTube Shorts
Going live streams and YouTube Shorts are two popular ways to get big on YouTube. Many users love to tune into an exciting live stream to see all the hype. Planning and hosting a good one can generate tons of new views and grow your channel massively.
It’s worth considering YouTube Shorts as well. These quick videos allow you to engage with your audience quickly and leave a lasting impression on them, encouraging them to return for more. Ensure your shorts are effective and concise – people will only want to watch if they’re short.
7. Collaborate With Other YouTubers
Another way of increasing video ranks is to collaborate with your fellow YouTubers. Find creators of your niche and send collaboration requests to them. Most YouTubers welcome these offers and probably invite you to their studio to make a video together.
Through this strategy, you’ll not only be able to expand your social circle on the platform but also get a chance to present yourself in front of a totally new audience (fans of the Youtuber you plan to collaborate with). One creative advantage that you’ll get from this tactic is that you’ll have a chance to see the creative process of your fellow artist.
What tools do they use? How do they edit their content? How much time do they spend on YouTube? You’ll be able to find all this information. You can learn things from them and implement their methods to improve your content’s quality. See, collaborations aren’t just beneficial for the channel; they are beneficial for your future creative endeavors too.
8. Cross-Promote to Build an Audience
Anyone wanting to blow up on YouTube must also cross-promote their channel elsewhere. Social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit are full of people who might be interested in your YouTube content if they knew about it.
Cross-promotion is an excellent way to enhance your channel’s engagement, as it allows you to reach tons of potential new subscribers across the internet. If you or anyone you know runs a blog, consider embedding your videos in those blog posts for extra traffic to grow your channel.
9. Rank High With Google
The more highly you rank in Google, the more likely people find your content when searching for relevant keywords. You must optimize your videos properly for SEO if you want to grow on YouTube so that you can rank highly in Google and people can discover you. Do keyword research beforehand and determine the best keywords relevant to your niche that you can rank for.
From there, update your video titles, descriptions, and metadata accordingly to match these keywords, and you’ll have a good chance of ranking highly. Your video title needs to be optimized to include the exact words you’re trying to rank on Google. Aligning your titles with the search terms will make it more likely that your videos rank highly on Google.
10. Analyze Your Channel’s Performance
YouTube provides plenty of data on your channel’s performance, including KPIs, views, and watch time. Use these analytics to make data-driven decisions on improving your channel. For example, using this information to determine your most popular videos is a great idea.
Do your longer videos get more engagement than shorter ones? Continuing to analyze your content’s performance will allow you to keep tweaking it and grow your channel further in the future, as you’ll be making content you know your fans want to see.
11. Captivate with Creative Captions
A great way to enhance the video experience for your audience is to include captions in your videos. This improves accessibility by allowing more people to enjoy your videos, leading to better audience engagement.
There are large audiences out there who rely on captions to be able to enjoy a video, so by including them in yours, you’re not only enhancing the quality of your videos but expanding your reach as well. This will heighten the chance of you retaining a new subscriber.
12. Convert Viewers to Subscribers
You must’ve seen videos on YouTube with millions of views but only a few thousand subscribers. This happens because most viewers watch the videos without subscribing to the channel. While your views increase, the subscriber count remains stable. To prevent this, kindly ask your viewers to subscribe to your channel.
Many YouTubers say a sentence like please subscribe to my channel for updates to convert their viewers to subscribers. You can use a call to action like this to convince the viewers to subscribe to your channel. Alternatively, buying your desired subscribers is the fastest way to get them.
It’s much quicker and easier than trying to gain subscribers any other way, and it leads to huge amounts of growth down the road as your content gets more visibility and more people find your channel. Remember that having a good balance of views and subscriber count is essential, so you must apply this tactic to grow your channel.
Final Thoughts
Every Youtuber wants consistent growth on their channel, but it’s a goal that takes time to achieve. You must improve your content regularly and apply these tactics to finally see positive results.
With hard work, this dream will become a reality. We conclude today’s article and hope you apply these tactics to grow your channel. To learn more about YouTube, please check our blog for related articles.