That’s right! You can use hashtags on Pinterest, and although they have been around since 2017, most users still don’t use them. Why is that? Because people don’t know that learning how to use hashtags on Pinterest can help them step up their game on the platform. So, how do Pinterest hashtags work?
Actually, they are quite similar to the hashtags on any other platform and serve the same purpose as well. Just like you add hashtags on your Instagram posts to become part of a movement or a community (like fashion or Kpop), similarly, you can define the category of your pins by adding appropriate hashtags in them.
By adding the right hashtags in your pins, you help the Pinterest algorithm recognize that your pin belongs to a specific genre and should only be presented to the interested audience. Now, you might ask, but what if I don’t add hashtags to my pins?
Well, without hashtags, your pins will get lost among the millions of pins being uploaded daily on Pinterest and might never show up in front of your target audience.
You wouldn’t like that, now would you? That’s why Pinterest hashtags are important, and you should be using them, but if you are still skeptical about their effectiveness, don’t worry. In this article, we’ll elaborate on everything you need to know about Pinterest hashtags and even teach you how to use them properly.
Do Hashtags Work on Pinterest?
This is perhaps the most common question asked about Pinterest hashtags. Do hashtags even work on Pinterest? In a word, yes! They absolutely do, as they would work on Facebook, Instagram, or any other social media platforms out there.
The purpose of hashtags is to give content its unique identity by showing that it falls under a category or highlights its genre. Now, when you add hashtags to your pins that are relevant to the idea presented in it, you basically define your pin’s genre and category.
For example, if you are about to pin an image that contains a lifestyle idea, you need to add all the trending and relevant hashtags related to lifestyle in that pin of yours.
This will help viewers identify what your pin is about and the kind of content they can expect if they follow you. One other thing, clicking on a hashtag takes you to all the pins that contain that particular hashtag, just like it happens on Instagram on Facebook.
It’s another proof that Pinterest hashtags aren’t much different from hashtags on other platforms. To wrap it up, Hashtags do work on Pinterest, and it’s time you start using them to take your Pinterest game to a whole new level.
Why Hashtags on Pinterest Are Important?
Ok, Pinterest hashtags are a thing, but why are they so important, and what benefits will I get from using them? That’s a valid question! So here are some reasons and benefits that will perhaps help you grasp the importance of Pinterest hashtags.
1. Help To Find Your Content
By adding relevant hashtags to your pins, you make it easier for the audience to find your content. Every single day, millions of images and videos are pinned on Pinterest, and of course, at least a thousand of them would belong to the same category as your content.
Now, how do you plan to make your pin stand out among those thousand pins? You might say that your content is more aesthetic compared to your competitors, but unfortunately, that won’t help your pin reach the target audience. This is the point where hashtags come into play.
If your pin contains relevant hashtags to your content, it would appear in the search results against that hashtag, thus increasing your pin’s chances of getting the audience’s attention.
2. Help Your Content Perform Well
Of course, when you add hashtags to your pins, it would be easier for the audience to find them, which will increase your pin’s views, likes, shares, comments, saves, in short, its engagement rate and thus its overall performance.
So basically, it won’t be wrong to say that Hashtags are vital for a successful Pinterest marketing strategy as they help your content perform well.
3. Increase Brand Awareness
Adding the right hashtags to your pins ensures that your content reaches the interested audience, and it can help you boost your brand awareness. Here’s how it works. Let’s say you own a cosmetics brand, and you add #fashion, #beauty, and other relevant hashtags in your pins.
Now, since about 60% of Pinterest’s audience comprises women and most of them follow fashion and beauty hashtags, your pins will eventually reach them. When this happens, they would know about your brand, and who knows, they might even purchase something from your site by following your site’s link in the pin description.
4. Boost Search Rank on Pinterest
See, when you add multiple relevant hashtags to your pin’s description, you basically ensure that it shows up in the hashtag results of several different categories. This also boosts the search rank of your pin and increases the chances of your pins getting discovered.
That’s why don’t rely on one main hashtag and always add several relevant ones to make sure that your target audience can find your pins easily when they search for even the sub-genres of your content.
5. Drive More Traffic
It’s simple! When you add hashtags to your pins, they reach more audiences, which increases the chance of people opening the pin description and visiting your websites, thus boosting your site’s traffic. So, you can use hashtags to increase traffic on your blog or e-commerce store.
6. Pinterest is Invested in Hashtags
That time has long gone when you could survive on Pinterest without using hashtags. Now, Pinterest is invested in hashtags, and you have to add them if you want your content to be found by the audience.
Most pinners explore content by typing the name of a hashtag in the search bar and then going through the results. It simply means that hashtags on Pinterest aren’t just about trends anymore; they are vital for the survival of a pinner, so better start using them.
How To Use Pinterest Hashtags?
So now that you have clearly understood the importance of hashtags on Pinterest, you must be dying to know how to use them properly. Well, here are some expert’s recommended tips that will teach you everything you need to know about searching and placing Pinterest hashtags.
1. Types of Hashtags
Like all other social media platforms, Pinterest also has three major types of hashtags that you can use depending on the nature of your content. There are broad and specific hashtags, and then there are brand hashtags. Here’s a brief description of them.
Broad or Content-Based Hashtags
These hashtags target a wide range of audiences and have multiple subgenres. For example, #fashion and #beauty both fall under the category of broad hashtags, and you can add many hashtags relevant to them in your pins to increase their reach.
Specific Hashtags
These hashtags basically describe the content of the pin. For example, #gamingmouse or #gamingkeyboard are examples of specific hashtags as these tags describe the products featured in the pins.
Brand Hashtags
When you’re using Pinterest for your business, Brand hashtags are added in pins to basically get the attention of a brand’s representative or to convey the idea that you’re sharing this idea after getting inspired by a brand.
These hashtags are mostly used in collaborations but can be used to target a specific audience too. It’s up to you to pick a type of hashtag that can go well with your pin and help it reach more audience and gain more engagement.
2. Pick The Best Hashtags
To ensure that your pins perform well, it’s crucial that you choose the best hashtags to embed in them. Here are a couple of tips to keep in mind while choosing and adding hashtags:
- Go for descriptive and specific hashtags that describe the nature of your pin
- Search for all the relevant hashtags once you find one main tag to embed in your pin
- Avoid vague hashtags that are commonly used
- Find a brand relevant to your pin and add its hashtag to target that brand’s audience
- Keep your hashtags broad and relevant to the niche so they can reach your target audience.
3. Continue With a Keyword Strategy
Make sure to add hashtags that are popular as search keywords on Pinterest, so your pin can be discovered by more audience in the search results.
For example, millions of people search the term beauty and fashion on Pinterest. Now, if you add this term as a hashtag, it would make your pin appear in the search results against the keyword, thus improving your pin’s engagement.
Where To Put Hashtags on Pinterest?
The ideal place to put hashtags is the end of a pin description. Why at the end? The hashtags are there to increase the reach and searchability of your content, and they would serve that purpose even if the audience doesn’t see them.
Besides, you want the audience to read the description and not the hashtags because hashtags fall under the category of metadata that is of no use to viewers directly.
How Many Hashtags To Use?
Pinterest allows you to add up to 20 hashtags, but that could make things messy and cluttered. That’s why experts recommend that you should only add 3 to 5 hashtags in your pins to make them easy to find and to save them from appearing in irrelevant categories.
Switch Up Your Hashtags Often
Don’t rely on one set of well-performing hashtags, and always switch up your hashtags from time to time. Changing hashtags will allow you to tap into new trends and reach a more interested audience, thus increasing your account’s reach and the number of followers.
How To Find Pinterest Hashtags?
There are two ways you can use to search for a hashtag that would sit well with your pin and increase its reach. First, while creating a pin, you can type ‘#’ in the pin description section, and a whole dropdown full of trending hashtags will appear in front of you.
You can pick a tag from the trending list or type the name of a category to see the hashtags relevant to it. The second method is to use Pinterest’s search bar. All you have to do is put a space and then type the search term. You’ll see a dropdown with the keywords relevant to your entered term.
It will show you what people are searching for, and you can use the keywords as hashtags. This will make your content appear in the search results against that keyword on Pinterest and other search engines too.
You can also take a look at the famous pinners in your category and copy the hashtags they are using. It’s not recommended since everyone’s hashtag strategy yields different results, but there’s a chance that it could work.
Best Trending Pinterest Hashtags
It’s true that you need to add hashtags that fit well with your pin, but you should also know which hashtags are currently popular on Pinterest. So here’s a list of the most popular hashtags related to Pinterest that you can use to hit a broader audience.
- #fashion
- #beauty
- #aesthetic
- #BTS
- #decor
- #wallpaper
- #trendy
- #recipe
- #tiktok
- #pinterestinspired
- #fitness
- #lifestyle
- #travel
- #blog#tips
We hope that you liked today’s article, and now you have every bit of information regarding Pinterest hashtags. Use all the knowledge and tips from today’s article to dominate Pinterest and become an influencer or a well-renowned brand representative.
If you have any questions regarding the tips or any confusion regarding hashtags, feel free to reach out to us on our social media channels or mention your problem in the comment section, and we’ll try to answer your question as soon as possible.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I Use Hashtags on Pinterest?
Yes! You can add hashtags on Pinterest to increase your pins’ searchability and reach.
2. Should I Add Hashtags To Old Pinterest Pins?
Yes! It is recommended to edit old posts and insert hashtags in them to give them a touch-up and improve their performance.
3. Should I Edit My Pin Descriptions With Hashtags?
It’s a good thing if you rewrite your pin description while adding new hashtags, but it’s not really vital.
4. How Many Hashtags Can Be Used?
You can add up to 20 hashtags to your pin, but experts recommend using only 5 to avoid cluttering and get better results.
5. Is It Important To Add Hashtags To Pins?
Yes! Adding hashtags to pins is important if you want your content to reach more audiences and appear in search results against specific keywords.