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affiliate program

Become a
Media Mister Affiliate

Earn 60% commission as a Media Mister
Affiliate on each sale from your referred customer. 


About Media Mister Affiliate Program

As an ambitious website or blog owner, you must provide quality content and value to your audience. Of course, along the way, you want to monetize your efforts. You can quickly provide value and make money online using the Media Mister Affiliate program and earn a 60% commission for each referral. 

How Does the Media Mister Affiliate Program Work?

The process to become a Media Mister affiliate is quick and easy, making your path to monetization streamlined. Our affiliate program operates based on a straightforward approach; you become an affiliate, share your URL, and benefit from any referrals you make. For a deeper explanation of each operational step in the program, review the following breakdown: 

sign in sign in

Sign up as a Media Mister Affiliate

You will fill out a short affiliate application online to become a registered Media Mister Affiliate. The application is 100% free to fill out, as well as being completely safe and secure, so you never have to worry. 


Set Payment Method

Payment will be made through PayPal. At the end of the online application page, you are required to provide your PayPal email. 

payment method payment method
generate affiliate url generate affiliate url

Generate Your Custom Affiliate URL 

After registering as an affiliate, you will then need the custom URL that will link referrals and customers to Media Mister. This link will create a link to your affiliate account after being clicked upon, ensuring that any sale made by that customer will earn you commission, even if the order is not placed during that browsing session. 


Share Your Affiliate URL

Your affiliate URL can be used across social media platforms, shared through emails, and placed on your website or blog to drive your audience and visitors towards the Media Mister website. Income and commission from sales will occur as users migrate to Media Mister and orders are placed. The more locations and higher frequency you share your URL, the more likely youwill bring in a high income.

share affiliate url share affiliate url
affiliate tracking affiliate tracking

Keep up to date with Affiliate Tracking

Easily keep track of your progress and success with affiliate tracking through Post Affiliate Pro. The tracking is exceptionally accurate, making it easy to judge whether you need to make changes to the way you share your affiliate link to hone your limitless earning potential as a Media Mister Affiliate.

Why Should You Join the Media Mister Affiliate Program?

Media Mister has made its name and place among social media service provides as top of the industry. It is clear why becoming a Media Mister Affiliate could be a lucrative effort leading to a seemingly endless income stream. 

Here are just a few of the reasons Media Mister stands out to our partners and affiliates: 

  • rank 1 Ranked #1 in the Industry – Media Mister has over 1,00,000 satisfied customers who used our growth services to thrive. We successfully earned the trust and backing of our customers, who have seen success with our help, making Media Mister the #1 ranked growth and social media service provided in the industry. 
  • it is free It's Free! – This affiliate program is free from start to finish, allowing you to become a registered member and promote your link, gaining exposure and ultimately income without costing you a penny. The Media Mister Affiliate program is a profitable resource while simultaneously providing value to your audience, benefiting both parties.
  • long cookie duration Long Cookie Duration – With many affiliate programs, the cookie length linking to the affiliate is short. With Media Mister, our affiliates are given a long cookie duration of 365 days. If a visitor clicks on your link and doesn't order at that point, any order purchased up to 365 days will still give you credit.
  • high conversion rate High Conversion Rate – As an affiliate, you will be promoting a service leading back to the Media Mister website with the hopes that the individual makes a purchase. Our online platform has a high conversion rate. This means that visitors are more likely to make a purchase making you more likely to profit. 
  • earn up to 60% commission Earn up to 60% Commission – The goal of a Media Mister affiliate is to promote our services and spread the word about your favorite products. We have a set system that tracks our affiliates and how successful they are with their referrals, ensuring top commissions are paid out for each client we receive. 
  • timely payouts Timely Payouts – We ensure that all Media Mister affiliates received timely payouts each month. Our affiliated never have to wonder when they are going to receive their money. There is no minimum payout threshold; the payouts will be sent promptly on the 10th of each month. All payments are issued in US currency.
  • paid via paypal Paid via PayPal – The payment process for our affiliates is streamlined and managed through an online transaction. All payouts are processed through the PayPal account that you provide during the application process. At this point in time, Media Mister does not support sending payments via regular checks. 
  • best affiliate support Best Affiliate Support – We not only believe in providing excellent support to our customers but in extending the same fantastic support to our affiliates. We provide access to accurate and advanced tools to help you thrive as an affiliate, such as tracking programs and new services, all focused on helping you be successful.

Our Affiliate Statistics

total number of affiliates


Total Number Of
Media Mister Affiliates

affiliate commission

$ +

Affiliate Commission
Paid Until Today

monthly commission

$ +

Average Monthly

Just One Click Away

From Start Earning Money on Your Own


How Do I Qualify for This Program?

Our Media Mister Affiliate program only has one requirement that prospective affiliates must meet to become a registered member. The only qualification needed to register as an affiliate is an active blog or website.

How Do I Become an Affiliate? 

The path to becoming an affiliate is simple. With a few quick clicks, some typing, and approval, you'll be well on your way to earn money online promoting our services. To become an affiliate, follow these few steps: 

  • Sign Up for Media Mister Affiliate Program through affiliates.mediamister.com
  • Enter all information needed and submit your application for approval. You will need identifying information and information for a PayPal account in this step. 
  • You will then be notified within 24-48 hours if you have been approved or rejected. 
  • If you are approved as an affiliate, your affiliate link will be provided. It is then up to you to share your link and drive traffic to Media Mister to start earning as our affiliate.
affiliate program

Frequently Asked Questions

More Questions?

If you've additional questions, send an email to our team at affiliate@mediamister.com

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